The heroes
have spent most of the day rummaging through the stacks in the ancient library.
The words of Runelord Karzoug echoed in their ears - "So these are the heroes
of the age. More like gasping worms to me - worms to be crushed back into the
earth when I awaken the armies of Xin-Shalast, when the name Karzoug is again
spoken with fear and awe. Know that the deaths of those marked by the Sihedron -
the giants you have so conveniently slain for me - hasten my return, just as
yours soon will. Fools, all of you. Is this all you could manage in ten thousand
years?" The focus of the party’s investigation had centered on Xin-Shalast
and Karzoug himself and a great deal has been learned, but many new questions
have arisen as well. The only clue you have is a crudely hand-drawn map that you
found in Mokmurian’s quarters – that leads back to
Sandpoint has
been through a lot, including a goblin raid, slaughter at the local glassworks,
several grisly murders, and most recently a full blown assault by giants and a
dragon. It's certainly a testament to the townsfolk's resilience that they have
carried on as hardily as they have. Of course, they've had protectors at hand to
help them through these times of peril, and when trouble stirs anew in the
region, it's to these protectors the good folk of Sandpoint
This new
development began after the giants raided Sandpoint and were repulsed by the
heroes. Several days after the party had left town to take the fight to
Jorgenfist an earth tremor shook the Lost Coast. No stranger to earthquakes the
folk of Sandpoint weathered the minor trembler with ease, but then, at the
earthquake's climax, a sinkhole suddenly yawned in the middle of Tower Street,
just north of the Garrison. A few guards were injured and the sinkhole swallowed
a chunk of the Garrison's north wall, but fortunately the cells in the north
side of the garrison were all vacant.
It wasn't the
sudden sinkhole that alarmed the leaders of Sandpoint, though. What worried them
were the sounds that came from the pit's rubble-choked depths every night. After
a group of guards sent into the sinkhole's depths vanished, Sheriff Hemlock
roped off the pit's perimeter, established sentries, and forbade anyone else
from entering the hole. This would have to be a job for folk better equipped to
deal with this kind of danger - folk like the heroes. After some consultation it
was agreed that Father Zantus would use a Sending spell to request that the
heroes return to Sandpoint.
After a full
nights rest the next morning the Selinor’s slumber was interrupted by a familiar
voice from afar: “Please return to Sandpoint immediately. Your services are
needed. Father Zantus.”
Upon their
return to Sandpoint the heroes were greeted by throngs of excited
hero-worshipers and grateful citizens. The talk of the town was the Tower Street
Sinkhole, although the party’s return eclipsed some of that - most of the
citizens assumed the heroes had returned to investigate the sinkhole, in any
event. Once the initial hubbub of the heroes' welcome wore off the party was
approached by a bashful-looking acolyte of Desna who gave them a message: Father
Zantus wished to speak to them about the sinkhole as soon as possible at the
Sandpoint Cathedral.
Both Sheriff
Hemlock and Mayor Deverin were there waiting for the party at the cathedral with
Father Zantus. They asked for a quick recounting of the heroes’ adventures in
Jorgenfist and listened wide-eyed to tales of giants, dire bears, headless
ogres, and horrors from beyond time itself. Soon enough, Father Zantus cleared
his throat and spoke upon the matter at hand.
course, we're all very pleased to hear of your successes. Sandpoint owes you a
huge debt of thanks for ensuring its safety yet again. And while I'd like
nothing better than to let you relax and enjoy a well-earned break from your
adventures, you've doubtless heard about our newest problem. A few days ago, the
ground collapsed just north of the Garrison, right in the middle of Tower
Street. The north wall of the Garrison took some damage, and while fortunately
no one was seriously hurt when the sinkhole appeared, that's not the case
anymore. The guards Sheriff Hemlock sent into the pit to investigate never
returned. That very night, we all heard something horrible down there: dogs
howling - like no dogs I've heard before and bloodcurdling screams. The
sheriff's roped off the sinkhole, and so far nothing's come up out of it, but
those sounds are growing every night. Whatever's trapped in there wants out, and
by the sounds of it, whatever it is isn't too keen on emerging friendly."
Hemlock further explained that the strange and disturbing sounds that emanated
from the sinkhole generally started an hour before midnight and persisted for
several hours before they abated. The sounds consisted primarily of eerie
dog-like howls that seem to echo a bit more than expected, but mixed in with
these howls were periodic shrieks of a much more humanoid feel.
The three
looked at the heroes with hope and expectation and a sincere hope that the
heroes would immediately volunteer to explore the sinkhole and deal with
whatever had awakened in its depths. To sweeten the pot Mayor Deverin came right
out and asked them to and offered a reward of 2,000 GP if they can quiet the
howls and screams - a relatively paltry sum for high-level characters, but a
fortune for the town of Sandpoint. The heroes agreed to the deal, and then
followed the town leaders to the sinkhole.
The sinkhole
itself had stabilized at a width of 30 feet, reaching the diameter of the street
and consuming a portion of the Garrison wall to the south - several basement
jail cells hung open in the sloping southern wall of the sinkhole. The sinkhole
was 15 feet deep, and access into the sinkhole was slightly easier from the
garrison side, so the heroes cautiously clambered into the depths of the curious
of the tunnel accessed from the sinkhole's depths revealed a short flight of
stairs down and a 5-foot wide passageway beyond. Several weeks previous the
heroes had discovered the Catacombs of Wrath (link), but the stairs led down
past a caved in area where the Catacombs resided. Thick webs clogged these
stairs. Visible here and there through gaps in the unusually thick webbing were
deep scratches along the walls and floors - this, along with the absence of any
mold or mildew, suggested the stairway has recently been cleared. The stairs
appeared to end at a dead end, but a successful (and difficult) Perception check
of the western wall here revealed a secret door. The passageway beyond the door
has collapsed, but a narrow tunnel has been cleared through into a room which
lay beyond.
The first
thing the heroes saw in this room was that the walls, floor, and even the arched
ceiling of this place were covered with writing, the words spiraling and
trailing in the ancient language of Thassilon. Some of the phrases were immense,
with words nearly three feet high, while others were written in tiny, spidery
script. The medium for the writing varied as well - sometimes dark ink,
sometimes blood, sometimes carved into the stone itself. Passageways to the
north and west lead into fog-filled tunnels, and a pair of stone doors, their
faces carved with an immense image of a three-eyed jackal's head, stood to the
south. Further to the west a mysterious red light glowed through the fog giving
the ominous hint of a much larger room.
studied the scribbling’s on the walls and determined that they were prayers to
Lamashtu, and given that the three eyed jackal depicted on the southern doors
was the symbol of Lamashtu, the party members decided to exercise extreme
caution as they started to move forward. The one odd thing Reynard noticed among
the random scribbling’s was what appeared to be a stanza from a
If Magic
bright is your desire,
to old
Runeforge you must retire!
For only
there does wizards’ art
receive its
due and proper start.
The party knew they were to learn more
about the secrets of Runeforge and that Xaliasa, who Mokmurian had labeled “The
Traitor” kept those secrets here. Just then a voice spoke to them from the fog
to north. “Please be aware your magic will have no affect on me here. I only
wish to know about the world above me. My name is Xaliasa. This is
a solemn place of worship and I have been resurrected here to make it
And thus
began a back and forth with both sides asking questions. Among the questions
asked by the disembodied voice were:
"What happened to
"What nation has replaced
"Who rules the lands above
"Where is the seat of their
"What became of Runelord Karzoug and
Runelord Alaznist?"
"Who wields powerful magic
While Xaliasa
was seemingly more interested in what was going on in the world above him, he
was also quite willing to trade questions and answers with the party. It was a
bit disconcerting to the party, but the voice would appear in one place, ask and
answer several questions, and then disappear for several rounds, only to
reappear at a different location.
When asked about the dog-like howling,
the voice answered, “Those sounds are from my companions. Pray that no harm
should befall me – I am protecting you from them.”
When asked about the soldiers that had
come down several days ago he replied, “The soldiers that were sent down here
previously chose to speak with their swords. Will you do
When the party asked about runeforge,
in an almost boasting fashion he declared, “Ah, you wish to know about Lord
Karzoug and the runeforge. And I shall tell you. What can it hurt? You shall
never enter there. You shall never learn its hidden secrets. You shall
undoubtedly perish before you ever reach its hidden
“The runeforge was a place of great
learning. The seven runelords created place a place for learning and exploration
into their individual schools of magic. They themselves could not enter as to
ensure the influence of their personal desires could taint its outcomes. It is
likely that one of the runelords may have already entered runeforge and the
inevitable has already begun.”
“But when the time is right I shall
go there. I shall acquire the knowledge that is hidden there. I shall defeat the
undying lords. My goddess shall rule this land and with me by her side her
retribution will be fierce and eternal.”
When asked about the location of the runeforge Xaliasa grew coy. “The secrets of the location of runeforge are
hidden all about you. It will take you years to piece together the puzzle, but
I, and I alone, know the secret location. Its true location is not of this
world, so you shall never be worthy to travel there.”
When asked about the earthquake that
had unearthed this shrine to Lamashtu he replied, “The earthquake was but an
omen of a coming time of troubles for the residents of this land. The runelords
are not dead, although they may not yet be alive. The magic the runeforge
produced in its day has enabled them to rest, someday to return. The magic the
runeforge has produced in its day has also enabled a weapon to be built to
defeat them.”
After several
minutes of questioning back and forth the voice grew silent again, but this time
did not return. Not knowing if their host had decided to leave them for good,
the party decided to move on and stepped warily through the fog into the large
room to the west.
portions of this cathedral had collapsed, leaving mounds of rubble on the floor
and crumbling walls, the chamber retained its sense of menacing awe. Four black
stone pillars support the arched roof forty feet above, and on the floor between
them the image of a three-eyed jackal seemed to glower from striations in the
stone itself. This image glowed with a soft rusty light that illuminated the
entire room from below. Alcoves to the north and south contained statues of a
jackal-headed pregnant woman. Each clutched a pair of kukris crossed over their
chests and a reptilian tail wound down around their taloned
This room too
was covered with scribbles, and here to another stanza could be
On frozen
mountain Xin awaits,
his regal
voice the yawning gates
Keys turn
twice in Sihedron –
Runeforge waits within.
Of more immediate concern was the
creature that appeared in front of them. At well over 18 feet tall and weighing
three tons, the four armed behemoth was certainly an attention grabber. From beside
the beast, as he fired a spell at the party, the owner of the formerly
disembodied voice appeared, this time saying “The time for talk has come to
an end, my sucklings!” There was little doubt Xaliasa, aka The Scribbler,
had extracted the knowledge he wanted from the heroes and was determined to not
let them take advantage of the secrets he had revealed.
The huge
Glabrezu began to mumble a spell in an unfamiliar language, but Selinor quickly
threw a coin with a Silence spell placed on it to hinder the monsters magical
tactics. Enraged, the monster came forward, swinging all four arms and employing
a vicious bite. The Scribbler, his spells cast, disappeared again, just as he
had before, certainly confident his monster could take care of the
It was a
tough battle. The demon appeared to have some inherent resistance to
good-aligned creatures and diminished their many attacks. Reynard’s healing
spells kept Stike and Kheo on the front lines and soon the huge breast crashed
dead to the floor. It was at this time, from behind, that The Scribbler
reappeared, this time with two Babau’s with him. As before The Scribbler cast
his spells and did his damage and then disappeared, leaving the two Babau to
finish his dirty business.
As before the
party quickly regrouped their attack and began to fight back. Stike quickly
found out that the acidic ichor that dripped from the demon’s was harmful to his
weapon, and also like before the demons had some inherent level of resistance to
good-aligned characters. The battle was fought intensely on both sides, but soon
the two demons lay dead.
With The
Scribbler still very much alive, and with the knowledge that whatever caused the
noisy barking was still lurking ahead of them, the party decided to move ahead.
As they moved into the room south of the cathedral they quickly saw that blood
was this cavern's decor; swaths of it lay spattered on the wall, and pools had
congealed and begun to rot on the ground. Bits of flesh lay scattered as well -
whatever happened here, it ended poorly for many. Several party members had
trouble leaving the room as they reached the intersection out of the room with
the intention of moving on only to find themselves moving in a different
![]() |
Babau |
Those that were able to leave the room followed the hallway to the east and found three once separate chambers had become one, joined by collapsed walls and the erosion of ages. Bloodstained fragments of chain shirts, shields, swords, and clothing lay strewn about this room haphazardly. The walls were decorated with countless scribbling’s written sloppily in blood. Reynard found yet another stanza written on the wall:
Each stone
the grace of seven lords,
one part of
key each ruler hoards;
If offered
spells and proper prayer,
take seven
keys and climb the stair
The Scribbler
reappeared, again casting his spells, the baying of some extraplanar beasts
echoing from behind him. It appeared that The Scribbler was going to use his
usual tactic of drawing the ever wearying heroes into a fight and then disappear
to allow his minions to do his killing for him. Just as several Hounds of
Lamashtu rounded the corner Reynard hit The Scribbler with a Disintegrate spell
(DM Note: I missed the save) and struck him dead (DM Note: he had several
resistances, but he couldn’t overcome 97 points of damage). The party soon
vanquished the hounds, and silence once again returned to the
Among the loot found on The Scribbler was: +1 Breastplate, Fanged Falchion, +1 Cold Iron Returning Dagger, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2, and 750 GP in diamond
Beyond this
room the hallway curled back to the east, and then to the north. A small room
appeared in front of the heroes, with the hallway appearing to extend further north. The
walls, ceiling, and floor of this otherwise empty room were densely packed with
writing, in many cases overlapping and tangled to near the point of
illegibility. Four short lines stand out on the northern door, carved into the
stone but otherwise alone on its face:
And now
you’ve come and joined the forge
upon rare
lore your mind can gorge –
When you
slough the mortal way in Runeforge
long your
work shall stay.
The hallway
to the north led to a smaller room. The walls of this room were decorated with
flowing script and runes. To the north slumped a bloody human body, its limbs
apparently broken in a dozen places. A low table against the east wall was
covered with vials of colored liquid, and sitting in an inkwell was a quill made
from a peacock's feather. There were 17 vials of ink in all, each worth
8 GP, but the real treasure here was the Scribbler's most
valued possession: a Revelation Quill.
With nothing
more to investigate at this end of the cavern the heroes moved back to the
antechamber from where they had originally entered the cavern. They investigated
the passage that led north out of the antechamber and found a room with a low
stone rim surrounded a shallow pool of water that seemed to glow with a soft
radiance. The walls around the room were carved with large runes and the ceiling
rose to a dome above the pool.
Through the
doors to the south of the antechamber they found two small rooms. The first of
these two appeared to be some sort of meditation chamber. It had small dunes of
rubble and dust that lay on the floor of this room, disturbed as if by the
passage of pacing feet. The walls and ceiling were densely crowded with
scribbling’s and markings. An image of a three-eyed jackal glared from the wall
to the east. From the scribblings on the wall another stanza could be
On Eastern
shores of steaming mirror,
at end of day
when dusk is nearer,
Where seven
faces silent wait
guards at Runeforge gate.
The second
room appeared to be a meditation chamber as well, although this room had
partially collapsed. Cracks radiated along the walls and ceiling here. An image
of a three-eyed jackal glared from the eastern wall as one of the cracks ran
right across its snout.
And we will
pick it up there next time. What of these mysterious stanza’s? What secrets did
The Scribbler reveal? What steps will be needed to determine where to go next?
What about that body found in the back of the cavern?
For tonight’s
effort the party earned 18,625 XP, giving them (400,000 + 18,625) 418,625 XP
earned so far, with 445,000 XP required to reach Level 14 (Level 15: 635,000
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