Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March DDI Tools Update Released (Updated)

Wizards announced the monthly release of the DDI tools were available today (here). You might notice in the announcement that they identified the release as the "February update"instead of the "March update," so that link might be invalidated at some point.

For me the best part is being able to peruse the release notes to see what was fixed (the Character Builder release notes are here). I have never submitted a bug fix and I generally don't have a specific correction or update I would be looking for, rather I just like to see the type of errors that have been reported and fixed. This month there seemed to be a lot of carryover effort from the Elementals data that was introduced last month. Beyond that there was the normal cadre of corrections that could only be found by the thousands upon thousands of DnD players across the world building and trying characters with all the different possible options allowed.

I guess what I am saying here is that if you see a bug, report it (here). There is even a place to include attachments, so if you have a curious character sheet or a screenshot to back your assertion please include what you can. Wizards really is looking at these and fixing problems that are reported.

Update: The title of the article has been corrected, but the link provided above still works.

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