DM Note: As we enter the final chapter of the Pathfinder's Rise of the Runelords adventure path I wanted to take a moment to briefly recap the last 2+ years of game play. There are some hints in here of things yet to come,but mostly this is just a fun jaunt through where we have been and what we have done. We have completed more than 40 game sessions so far, and while not every session is linked to below, links are included to many of the blog recap sessions. This has been great fun for all and we are looking forward to what is yet to be revealed in the final chapter.
The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path began as the
heroes were taking part in the Swallowtail Festival in the town of Sandpoint,
but as the celebration drew to a close a band of goblins attacked! The heroes
fought off the invaders and established themselves as heroes, so when local
bartender Ameiko
Kaijitsu went missing the town leaders, Mayor Kendra Deverin,
Sheriff Belor Hemlock, and Priest Abstalar Zantus turned to the
heroes for help. Rescuing Ameiko revealed a conspiracy: her estranged brother,
Tsuto, was involved with a group that had gathered the goblin tribes for
an even greater raid on Sandpoint, intent on offering the entire town up in
sacrifice to the goddess Lamashtu. After
tracking the goblins to their lair in Thistletop Island, the heroes confronted the conspirators and defeated their
leader, a bitter Aasimar named Nualia, who carried a curious amulet
depicting a seven-pointed star.
Highlight: Stike’s encounter with a young maiden with
am unfortunate “wardrobe malfunction” and then talking his way out of trouble when her father
appeared. I chose not to include any pictures of the whole sordid affair.
Soon thereafter, a murderer terrorized Sandpoint. Victims
were left mutilated, and carved into their chests was a familiar seven-pointed
star - a clue left by a madman calling himself "The Skinsaw Man". The
heroes eventually confronted the murderer, a recent acquaintance named Aldern
Foxglove, in a haunted mansion near
Sandpoint. There they learned that he was but an agent of a larger cult based in
the city of Magnimar, the
capital city of Varisia. The investigation moved to that city where the heroes
confronted the Skinsaw Cult and Justice
Ironbriar before learning a related danger has taken up residence
in an old clock tower. Here, the heroes encountered the true leader of the cult,
a sadistic lamia matriarch named Xanesha.
Unknown to the heroes, this lamia matriarch had been charged with harvesting
"souls of greed" to aid in the reawakening of an ancient wizard tyrant known as
Runelord Karzoug. The lamia's use of the Sihedron Rune - the same
seven-pointed star both Nualia and the Skinsaw Man employed - hinted at a still
larger threat.
Highlight: After having unknowingly enlisted the
assistance of Aldern Foxgloves’s murdered wife Iesha the heroes defeated
Foxglove. The heroes then decided to investigate his personal abode in Magmimar,
where upon arriving they were greeted by a very much alive Aldern and Iesha
Foxglove – much fun ensued. Later, the heroes cut through Justice Ironbriar like
he was nothing, but two missed saving throws by the DM helped. And then after
climbing the rickety stairs of the clock tower Selinor promptly annihilated an
illusion with his big fire spell that he had been saving special just for this
The heroes were asked by Magnimar Mayor Haldmeer
Grobaras to undertake a trek into central Varisia to a town named
Turtleback Ferry and to investigate why the Black Arrow
Rangers of remote Fort Rannick had gone silent. Accompanied by
Shalelu Andosana they arrived to find the fort overrun by ogres and the
surviving rangers held prisoner by the Graul’s, a degenerate
family of Ogrekin. By rescuing the rangers, but despite letting
Xanesha’s lamia matriarch sister Lucrecia
escape, the heroes liberated Fort Rannick and
started to piece together what was really going on in the region. After dealing
with a flood, a failing Thassilonian dam, and a haunted swamp, they
finally arrived on the upper slopes of the infamous Hook Mountain where
they confronted and defeated ogle leader Barl Breakbones and
Lucrecia, and learned that a powerful stone giant named
Mokmurian was planning a raid on their hometown. They were also
able to return the body of Lamater Bayden to the swamp and to
his lovesick nymph lover Myriana, who in turn offered her
thanks by granting Selinor a gift of lasting inspiration (Nymph’s
Inspiration) for the great kindness that had been shown
Highlight: The Grauls were a treat, and whatever became of
that mysterious ship that was sitting in the middle of the
The heroes returned to Sandpoint to help defend against
Mokmurian's raiders, only to find the assault was a ruse. The giants were
actually looking for something secret to return to their leader, so the heroes
then took the fight to Jorgenfist,
the fortress of the stone giants. By infiltrating this citadel and defeating
Mokmurian, they not
only ended the threat of the massing army of giants but also discovered that
Mokmurian was but another agent of Runelord Karzoug, and that the Sihedron Rune
was a symbol he was utilizing to aid in his return to this world. Yet, there was
still time before Karzoug could fully regain his powers. Using Mokmurian's
library of
Thassilonian lore, the heroes learned that the key to Karzoug's defeat may be
hidden in a lost dungeon called Runeforge, and that the route
to that dungeon was hidden in a dungeon below Sandpoint.
![]() |
Lucrecia |
Highlight: When trying to access the library without the proper
password (Viosanxi) the heroes were set upon by a Shining Child, who promptly
blinded three of the party members.
The heroes returned to Sandpoint in search of that
information by seeking local sage Drobert Quink, the closest
thing Sandpoint had to an expert on ancient Thassilon. From there the heroes
found a recently opened shrine to Lamashtu guarded by an ancient lunatic named
Scribbler, a character from the time of Thassilon itself. Following
the clues they found there, the heroes headed north, solved the riddles that hid the
entrance, temporarily escaped the wrath of an Ancient White Dragon named
Arkrhyst, and entered the dungeon of Runeforge.
After investigating all of the halls of Runeforge and having gathered the
necessary components the heroes utilized the magical pool at Runeforge's heart
and transformed their weapons into potent runeforged weapons capable of
providing them significant advantages in the final battle to
Highlight: The heroes escaped the dragon by jumping
into the portal to Runeforge, only to find that the dragon was able to do the
same. Uh-oh.
Armed with the weaponry they need, the Heroes will still
need to make the journey into the Kodar Mountains to confront Karzoug in his
ancient long lost city of Xin-Shalast. The heroes will need all of their wits,
magic, and might to prevail, for Karzoug has drawn his most powerful allies to
his side to defend him from any and all who would try to stop his return. Stay
Thanks for the summary. Stuff happened and I am gonna GM Runelords 5 and 6 for a group and I never played or read the previous books.